Find an NHL/NHLPA First Shift hockey program near you

Due to COVID-19, some of the local hockey associations listed below do not have the ability to book venues or ice times this far in advance. As a result, some of the details surrounding those specific programs are still blank.

If you would like to register your child in the program but are worried the schedule may not work for you once it becomes available, please note that we offer refunds up to 24 hours before the Welcome Event date (please note that a processing fee will be withheld).

Additionally, this season we are giving local hockey associations the ability to postpone their ice times at their discretion in the event of local health restrictions. Our goal is to give them the comfort to complete the program at their own pace if anything happens that is deemed unsafe. We hope that registered families can also remain flexible amidst the pandemic.

Province of British Columbia

On the West Coast, the province of British Columbia and its member B.C. Hockey are hosting 32 programs this season: 29 coed programs and 3 all-female programs. 18 are currently available for registration.

Province of Northwest Territories

The Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Hockey North are excited to host 1 program this season: 1 coed program and 0 all-female program. 0 are currently available for registration.

Province of Alberta

The Wild Rose province of Alberta and its governing body, Hockey Alberta, are the hosts to 25 NHL/NHLPA First Shift programs this season: 22 coed programs and 3 all-female programs. 6 are currently available for registration.

Province of Saskatchewan

Hockey Saskatchewan, located on the Canadian prairies in Saskatchewan, will hold 4 NHL/NHLPA First Shift programs this season: 4 coed programs and 0 all-female program. 2 are currently available for registration.

Province of Manitoba

The central province of Manitoba, and its member Hockey Manitoba, are hosting 7 programs this season: 6 coed programs and 1 all-female program. 2 are currently available for registration.

Province of Ontario

Canada’s largest province, Ontario, and its three member associations (Ontario Hockey Federation, Hockey Northwestern Ontario and Hockey Eastern Ontario) are hosting 100 programs this season: 77 coed programs and 23 all-female programs. 26 are currently available for registration.

Province of Québec

La belle province of Quebec and its member Hockey Quebec are the hosts to 24 NHL/NHLPA First Shift programs this season: 16 coed programs and 8 all-female programs. 14 are currently available for registration.

Province of Newfoundland

Out on ‘The Rock,’ Newfoundland and Labrador and it provincial partner Hockey Newfoundland Labrador are hosting 4 programs this season: 2 coed programs and 2 all-female programs. 1 are currently available for registration.

Province of Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island, the birthplace of Confederation, and Hockey P.E.I. will introduce hockey to local families by hosting 5 NHL/NHLPA First Shift programs this season: 5 coed programs and 0 all-female program. 3 are currently available for registration.

Province of New Brunswick

New Brunswick, Canada’s lone bilingual province, and its member Hockey New Brunswick are hosting 10 programs this season: 7 coed programs and 3 all-female programs. 5 are currently available for registration.

Province of Nova Scotia

The Atlantic province of Nova Scotia and its member Hockey Nova Scotia will hold 11 NHL/NHLPA First Shift programs this season: 4 coed programs and 7 all-female programs. 7 are currently available for registration.